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RSS FeedsTrump plans to pull U.S. from Paris climate deal, officials say - though aides are looking for `caveats´
(The Star Toronto Raptors)


31 may 2017 21:45:15

Trump plans to pull U.S. from Paris climate deal, officials say - though aides are looking for `caveats´
(The Star Toronto Raptors)

WASHINGTON—U.S. President Donald Trump is expected to withdraw the United States from a landmark global climate agreement, a White House official said Wednesday, though Trump and aides were looking for “caveats in the language” related to the exit and had not made a final decision.Leaving the deal would fulfil a central campaign pledge, but would anger international allies who spent years in difficult negotiations that produced an accord to reduce carbon emissions.Trump faced considerable pressure to hold to the deal during visits with European leaders and Pope Francis on his recent trip abroad. The official, who insisted on anonymity to discuss the decision before the official announcement, said the president and his aides were finalizing the details of a pullout.Trump himself tweeted that “I will be announcing my decision on the Paris Accord over the next few days.”Read the latest news on U.S. President Donald TrumpWhile Trump currently favours an exit, he has been known to change his thinking on major decisions and tends to seek counsel from a range of inside and outside advisers, many with differing agendas, until the last minute.A second White House official, who was not authorized to discuss private conversations and also insisted on anonymity, said Trump had not made a final decision on how to proceed.Trump’s top aides have been divided on the accord.He was to meet later Wednesday with Secretary of State Rex Tillerson, who has favoured remaining in the agreement. Chief strategist Steve Bannon supports an exit, as does Environmental Protection Agency administrator Scott Pruitt. Senior adviser Jared Kushner generally thinks the deal is bad but would like to find a way to see if U.S. emissions targets can be changed.Trump’s influential daughter Ivanka Trump’s preference is to stay, but she made it a priority to establish a review process so her father heard from all sides, said one of the officials.Read ...

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